
Indian Classical Dance requires extreme skills and energy.  To perform certain dances, a dancer requires additional skill set i.e., flexibility. Mrs. Vardhani is blessed with extreme flexibility and is reflected in some of her dances which are her speciality.

Snake dance – As a devotee of serpent, Mrs. Vardhani dances with postures akin to a snake.  This dance requires total flexibility and agility in feet and body movements.


As Goddess Durga – in the Mahishasura Mardhini, Mrs. Vardhani punishes demon Mahishasura  and the extreme anger (roudram) in the face with quick movement of feet are a treat to watch.

Simha Nandini – In this dance, Mrs. Vardhani draws a lion while dancing.  This dance requires measured steps with precision so as to draw the lion face to the music.

Dancing on the pot – In this dance, Mrs. Vardhani dances on the pot with multiple accessories and does acrobatic dance without any of the accessory getting misplaced from their place.  This dance requires extreme concentration and skill.

Dancing on the plate- Mrs. Vardhani dances on the plate with multiple accessories in the Kuchipudi style dance form.  This is a fast paced dance with emphasis on expressions.